Having trouble? We're here to help... simply complete the form below and a customer service representative will respond to your inquiry.
If you're having trouble logging in, sometimes the easiest solution is to simply re-register using a different email address. Another idea is to clear your cookies/cache and reboot your computer.
Some companies and organizations have strict internet security and block access to certain retailers. To remedy, we recommend using the site from a home computer or other remote location. Also, make sure to adjust your computer to accept cookies. (At top of browser click on Tools, then Internet Options, then Privacy, then Settings and adjust to medium or low.)
Partnering with Corporate Shopping is easy. Click here to enroll, or if you have questions, fill out the form below or contact us at [email protected] and a New Accounts Manager will contact you to discuss how to get started.
Corporate Shopping Company
168 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016